
Welcome! I hold a PhD in the history of philosophy (University of Toronto), and I teach courses in math, logic, and Latin to middle school and high school students.

Before teaching high school, I led undergraduate tutorials in philosophy for 7 years at the University of Toronto. I also taught occasional seminary classes and writing workshops at St. Philip Neri and Wycliffe College.

Alongside tutoring and teaching, I’m a professional academic editor and have proofread over 30 published volumes and student dissertations. I’ve also worked in academic administration, marketing, and website management. 

By night I moonlight as a poet and translator. My current passion project is a translation of 1600 short poems from the 17th-century German poet Angelus Silesius. The first volume has been published as The Sorcerers’ Stone.

Other poems and translations of mine have appeared in Classical Outlook, First Things, Christian Century, Blue Unicorn, Amethyst Magazine, the website of the Society for Classical Poets, and the children’s magazine Cricket. I also run the annual (or intended-to-be-annual) Vox Poetry Contest, possibly the world’s first such contest judged by approval voting among all the participants.


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Illustration by John Tenniel. Alice stands beside a lion holding a plate of cake

Logic with Lewis Carroll

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Pre-Algebra & Algebra I

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Book cover for The Sorcerers' Stone by Angelus Silesius, featuring a woodcut of Roger Bacon doing alchemy

The Sorcerers’ Stone

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